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InsidePro Team


Active Members 17+
Handles .Scorpio., -=Cerberus=-, Admin, blazer, dda, gscp, h0wler, Kaiser, Lindros, mastercracker, Mastermind, myslowtech, Polimo, proinside, test0815, Tyra, usasoft, User
Software EGB, Ppro, Hashcat suite, John the Ripper, others (see table below)
Hardware 206+ various CPU cores, 42+ various GPUs (see table below)


We cannot commend Korelogic enough for the effort they put in to organizing `Crack me if you can' (CMIYC) at Defcon 21 this year. The preparedness and organization of Korelogic simply put, was impeccable. Big thanks go out to `Kaiser', our team representative at DC21 who had the code to us before the competition was underway.

No words can describe how thankful we are to the software developers; Admin from InsidePro, Jens Steube (Atom) and his hashcat-suite, the entire JtR community, their work on John the ripper, and Gat3way for his HashKill to name a few. The awesome work from these developers has truly enabled us to push the boundaries of password cracking.

We would also like to congratulate our rivals Hashcat in placing second and John-users placing a respectable third. It was also nice to see other teams giving all their best. Shout outs goes to Teams; `Ralph Wiggums Allstars', `Athena' and `Blow Cane' and also to the teams/players part of the `Street' division. We would also like to congratulate brad of '16 systems' in taking out first place in the street division.

The Team

This year our team had 20 registered members however, due to busy schedules we had 17 active members who were able to participate. Once again, we had some new additions to our team which was comprised of: .Scorpio., - =Cerberus=-, Admin, blazer, dda, gscp, h0wler, Kaiser, Lindros, mastercracker, Mastermind, myslowtech, Polimo, proinside, test0815, Tyra, usasoft and User. Due to our wide geographic distribution across time-zones, we were able to consistently remain active through the 48 hour period.

In anticipation for Crack Me If You Can (CMIYC) at Defcon 21, we had a revised Hash management suite (HMS) prepared dubbed TeamLogic, which was backed by our communication forum. Our HMS was a web based application which automated the entire process of tracking all the cracked/uncracked hashes and passwords as well as statistics for algorithms and members. The forum was used for general communication and delegation of distributed tasks.

The Gear


System Type Count Cores NV GPUs Count AMD GPUs Count
Dual Cores 4 8 GTS250 1 HD5750 2
Quad Cores 18 72 GTX460 2 HD5770 3
Hexa Cores 3 18 GTX470 2 HD5850 2
Octa Cores 2 16 GTX560Ti 2 HD5870 3
      GTX590 1 HD6950 2
High Performance     GTX650Ti 1 HD6970 2
E5-405 x2 (cluster) 4 32 GTX680 1 HD6990 1
E5-430 x2 2 16     HD7870 1
E5-2650 x2 1 16     HD7970 15
E5-645 1 12        
EC2 (cc2.8xlarge) 28 hours 16        
Total   206+       42+

We brought into the competition quite a number of high-end GPUs and high-performance CPUs this year, doubling the number of HD7970s and more than doubling the number of CPU cores in comparison to last year. Thankfully, due to some nice contributors, we were able to run some high-performance CPUs including a MPI cluster continuously throughout the contest.


Crackers Parsers
InsidePro Extreme GPU Bruteforcer (EGB) Unified List Manager (ULM)
InsidePro PasswordsPro (Ppro) EGB Utilities
Hashcat-plus Hashcat Utilities
John the ripper (JtR)  
Passrecovery Suite  
Passware Kit  
Archive Password Recovery  
Elcomsoft Forensic Disk Decryptor  

We were equipped with a plethora of password `cracking' software, which enabled it to audit a multitude of algorithms ranging from simple md5 to md5(sun) and everything in between. In addition, custom modules were coded where necessary for Ppro and EGB to support algorithms such as `bwtdt' and mssql2012, unsuccessful attempts were also made to code software for RC2. The `cracking' software was supported with a number of list parsers and generators that enabled us to adapt to the patterned passwords by generating targeted lists highly specific to the group of hashes we were attacking.

The Game

Once the files were decrypted, our team spent the first 1.5-2 hours identifying the different hashes by running sample cracks and linking them to the correct algorithm. Grouping the hashes by algorithm allowed the simpler algorithms such as MD5, NTLM to be attacked in batch. The hashes were also indexed both by company and by algorithm. TeamLogic, our HMS, was then recoded on-the-fly to distinguish between the hashes from each company and also by algorithm. In addition, implementation for the wide array of algorithms was gradually coded to support the different hashes. While there was a short period of down-time initially to get all the hashes sorted, it really paid off in the long run.

Our usual free-for-all approach was taken in the early stages of the contest, allowing us to gather as much plaintext data as possible which could be applied to the `tough' algorithms. Broad sweeps were conducted on the high-performance CPU processors for GPU unfriendly algorithms early on, but didn't yield any positive results.

After one of our submissions, we noticed there was a `plaintext' collision for SHA512(unix); where the same plaintext was used twice for different algorithms. There was only one problem; it was 1 out of 17,000 plaintexts, so it was literally finding a needle in the haystack. At this point we made the decision to dedicate some CPUs in finding out what the plaintext was. After some time with 38 CPUs we found the plaintext to be a hockey team suffixed with 1 number. Lists were immediately generated for the hockey teams and tasks were distributed to cover the dict + ?d, dict + ?d?d, dict + ?d?s, ?s + dict masks for SHA512(unix) on GPU which led us to a comfortable start.

Roughly 5 hours into the competition we had identified breaks for MD5(sun) involving the [-1 01 -2 012345] ?1?d:?2?d:?2?dAM and ?1?d:?2?d:?2?dPM exploits. Covering the mask at the rate of 11 words/s required some more processing power. The hashes for the particular company were isolated and distributed into chunks. In addition to placing almost all the high-performance CPUs onto this algorithm throughout the contest, another 28 hours worth of EC2 (cc2.8xlarge) instances were initiated dedicated to this mask. Standard CPUs were also used in attacking this mask and we had submissions for MD5(sun) coming in till the final hours of the contest.

Almost 11 hours in, we had our first Blowfish break which yielded a hit from small names list. Some CPU cores where then assigned to this list with a larger names list. A few more hits were obtained and it was deduced that the names were Arabic. Arabic name lists were then put against the Blowfish hashes giving us surprisingly good results. The same list was also tested against other algorithms from the same company yielding good results for SHA512(unix) as well.

While an earlier version of the `passwordPASSWORD' was generated containing names only, we later isolated another `passwordPASSWORD' list which was more compact and optimized to give positive results across a large number of algorithms including md5(unix), DRUPAL, and des(unix). Some other patterns we identified included the use of plane models for company 3, the use of scientific terms and bacteria names with rule modifiers for company 5. Applying substitution rules `sa@ and ss$' and ?d?d suffix modifiers on the Arabic names list mentioned above, gave further hits for algorithms of company 3. We also saw the return of the `elements' list used in conjunction with rule modifiers. A special wines list was also crafted and attacked with using 1960?s-2013?s mask prefix for company 2. We also identified some animal based passwords which would work well with some prefix/suffix modifiers. Equation based passwords were also noticed, such as `739%411=328' and a math oriented dictionary generator was explicitly coded by `Matermind' to exploit this pattern across a series of algorithms.

Towards the end, all effort was focused on a distributed SHA512(unix) attack, using a specially designed list with the ?d prefix modifier, which gave us substantial hits consistently until the final minute of the contest.

Rather than bore you with every minute detail and going through all the algorithms and hashes. Here are some visuals which we won't be elaborating on, but should provide some insight into the plaintexts we recovered.

Average plaintext length: 10.2


Aside from the easy MD5 challenge which involved unmasking of hashes, most of the other challenges appeared to be quite hard. We were able to extract roughly 15,000 SSHA hashes from challenge 3. However, we weren't able to crack a single one, we assumed either long/strange passwords used or we had invalid hashes. We tinkered around with the OSX plist files before realizing JtR from the bleeding-jumbo branch came with scripts to convert them to useable hashes#.which we couldn't load into JtR 1.7.9-jumbo7. The `easy' pdf and `7zip' files didn't seem easy at all.


Some coding was carried out this year to take on some of the newer algorithms in the form of add in modules for Ppro and EGB including `bwtdt' and in addition having a GPU implementation of mssql2012 really has its benefits. Unsuccessful attempts were also made at cracking the mysterious RC2 hashes, which results in lots of peculiar but meaningful collisions. It was also great to be able to preview some of InsidePro's developmental projects.

Some remarks

We had really great team dynamics, cohesion and organization. We were able to identify patterns very quickly enabling us to converge our attacks towards particular lists and algorithms. We had more than enough distributed tasks going at any one time, which prevented idling cores. Although we had minor outages and hiccups along the way, we were able to persevere on. Efficient teamwork and effective communication played integral roles in this competition.

Taking a defensive strategy we held onto to the MD5(sun) high value hashes as security. We did this as a countermeasure against the tactics employed by the other teams in previous years, which would scoop us in the final hours of the contest. While we waited in baited breath anticipating either Team Hashcat or John-users to drop a load of surprise hashes which they are renowned for, it unfortunately never came. Instead we decided to take the lead submitting all the MD5(sun) at once, which led to a humongous lead. While Hashcat and our team coincidently traded places between submissions we had plenty of patterns for the tough algorithms allowing us to ultimately win. It appeared that john-users either couldn't identify the patterns for the tougher algorithms, or were too strongly focused on the file challenges or lower scoring hashes.

It was quite strange to see the OSX 10.8 hashes worth so few points considering the complexity of the algorithm and the high iteration count. These hashes probably should have been worth the most.

It was thoughtful of Korelogic to implement a second division for smaller teams and competitors. We thought this was a great idea to enable a broader range of players without having to impose any compromises, restrictions or rules on the larger teams.

Final words

Although we placed first based on points, Team Hashcat showed their dominance, beating us in `raw cracks', while John- users demonstrated their expertise in cracking a diverse range of algorithms including a very tough challenge 9. These teams are truly rivals not to be reckoned with.

If you have further questions or queries do not hesitate to drop into our forum @ http://forum.insidepro.com

That's it from us.

Team InsidePro signing out.

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